The Georgia Assembly

Anna's Book #1

The purpose of the first book, Disclosure 101, was to provide a public record of at least a small portion of the work I did over a period of years.

Anna's Book #2

The purpose of the second book was to provide a reader
friendly “basic primer” so that people could grasp the Big Picture quickly.

Ann's Book #3

“It came about because a friend of Donald Trump came to me and asked me to write an “executive
history” in “30-second sound bites” for the President that he could scan through pretty rapidly. He said
that Mr. Trump wants to know the history, but like everyone else, wasn’t taught….. so…….
That is, technically, the reason why I sat down and wrote this third book and since President Trump is a
business man. I did something that I think has worked out very well — I wrote it from the perspective
of the business history of America. I promise it isn’t as dull as that sounds.
It turns out that viewing our country’s history from that standpoint reveals a lot of the inner workings of
how our government was designed to work and how, when, and by whom it got messed up. And, in a
very prosaic way, it suggests how to fix it. One of my faithful proofreaders said, “It’s like being shown
an engine, and suddenly you can see that there are spark plugs missing!”
Seeing it in terms of business structures and business processes and practices may help Mr. Trump and
a lot of other people wrap their minds around what has gone on here.
This is another Large Scale book. I am covering a lot of ground with a short, little publication designed
to be read in 30-second sound-bites by very busy executives. The whole idea is to lay it down fast and
in little puzzle pieces that self-assemble in an orderly fashion—, not a James Michener classic.”

Recommended Reading

Links to Blood Money Articles 

Article 3087
Blood Money 1

Article 3088
Blood Money 2

Article 3090
Blood Money 3

Article 3091
Blood Money 4
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – 10 April 2021

Article 3094
Blood Money 5
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — 11 April 2021

Article 3095
Blood Money 6
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice  6 –The Military Quandary

Article 3096
Blood Money 7
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice

Article 3098
Blood Money 8
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – Man or Thing?

Article 3106
Blood Money 9
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — 800 Years of This

Article 3107
Blood Money 10
Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice — Commodity Rigging

Article 3110
Blood Money 11
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — Counterfeiting

Article 3113
Blood Money 12
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — Pride of Place

Article 3115
Blood Money 13
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – One Compact

Article 3116
Blood Money 14
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — English

Article 3118
Blood Money 15
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – Our Employees

Article 3119
Blood Money 16
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — The RV

Article 3131
Blood Money 17
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — The Bond System

Article 3132
Blood Money 18
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — Hollywood East

Article 3134
Blood Money 19
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – Bank Fraud

Article 3144
Blood Money 20
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice – Abuse of Contracts

Article 3145
Blood Money 21
Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice – Land

Article 3163
Blood Money 22
Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice — The Great Reset and Old Dictionaries

Article 3166
Blood Money 23
Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice — Treaties and Obligations

Article 3177
Blood Money 24
Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice — Other Kinds of Blood Money

Article 3195
Blood Money 25
Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice — Legacy Trusts

Article 3214
Blood Money 26
Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice — Land and Land Assets

Article 3216
Blood Money 27
Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice — The Sanctity of Life

Extra Reading

“This book is a veritable powerhouse that shatters, in one instant, the wall of lies and
deceit that took decades to build upon our impressionable minds. Stamper’s ability to
explain complex legal and political information in a comprehensive yet concise
manner is without equal. Like a master sculptor he has chipped away the Words of
Art and Deception’ to reveal the inescapable and undeniable Truth. This book has
single-handedly bared Adam and Eve’s shame in the Garden, the cleverly crafted
schemes (‘Fruits from a Poisonous Tree’) of a Power-lusting Elite (‘The Serpent’ and
his minions).” “Paul Nash, DC, ND, CCN, ACU, Holistic Medicine, Minneapolis

Extra Reading

How To Read This Book:

Thick books can be intimidating. We tend to put
off reading them until we have a suitably large
block of time—which is to say, often they are
never read. That is the reason a preview has been
placed at the beginning and a summary at the end
of each chapter. All of these together can be read
in about one hour. Although they will not contain
details nor documentation, they will cover the
major points and will provide an overview of the
complete story. The best way to read this book,
therefore, is to begin with the previews of each
section, followed by the chapter previews and
summaries. Even if the reader is not in a hurry,
this is still an excellent approach. A look at the
map before the journey makes it easier to grapple
with a topic such as this which spans so much

Extra Reading

FYI – this is that awesome book Anna was reading from in the April 11th Coordinator Training Call. [Paraphrasing] she says that this book is the most solid and well put together book she has ever read on the subject, and she’s promoting it because it overlaps and corroborates what she has been writing about perfectly. Including her claim that our American Law is based on the Ten Commandments.

Extra Reading

Citing the most ancient sources, author Brent Allan Winters traces our common law (now confined to a half dozen countries) from its roots in the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God and also the civil law (now covering our globe) from it roots in Babylon, through Egypt, back to Babylon, then to Pergamos, Jerusalem, Rome, and on into the entire world. Over 1000 Bible references indexed.

“Excellence of the Common Law, says nothing new of our common law but much that is old—some that is forgotten and some that has been lost. And if our common law is lost, our freedoms will be lost also.”
—Brent Allan Winters