The Georgia Assembly

We are the Unincorporated Land and Soil Jurisdiction!

The Georgia Assembly is populated by ordinary Georgians who are exercising their power as the source of all delegated powers in government.
We are the self-governing body politic that ensures that government is lawful, accountable and responsible to the people.
The true strength of The Georgia Assembly rests with the people, their knowledge base, and solidarity of purpose. When we the people understand that the purpose of government is to protect us, that we are the employers, and that our government employees have contractual obligations— then we can stand together to enforce those obligations. It’s no longer just one man on a crusade, but families, communities, and yes, a whole State, and then many States, all connected and functioning from shared knowledge, history, and vision.

The Georgia Assembly is part of the American States Assembly

Georgia, with the other 49 State Assemblies, as the Federation of States, The United States of America, are working to reconstruct the missing American Government on both the State and Federal Levels.
First, we must rebuild and recharter the unincorporated Confederation of States of States doing business as The States of America, which was first formed March 1, 1781, which in turn created the American Branch of the Federal government, the Federal Republic, in 1787 under The Constitution for the United States of America.
This American Federal Republic has been Missing-in-Action since the Civil War. Only “We the People” can Reconstruct it…….

Learn More

As self-governing State Nationals, we are guaranteed unalienable rights and have responsibilities to ourselves, and each other, as a community.
The Georgia Assembly, along with the other 49 States of the Union, has been lawfully summoned into session by the Federation of States; properly referred to as “The United States of America”. This is the unincorporated “holding company” – formed in 1776 – which holds and further delegates the 19 enumerated powers for the 50 State Assemblies. The General Assembly of each State oversees its International Business Assembly, which delegates its international & global powers to the Federation of States.

Come home to the Land and Soil

The Georgia Assembly not only provides the necessary education to understand the situation, but we also provide a simple paperwork process to correct your status. Once you claim your corrected status as a State National, you live and breathe on the land and soil, regain your unalienable rights outlined in our founding documents, and can participate in self-governing, which is what our system requires.
If you were born in this country, your birth was registered by the state where you were born through a Birth Certificate. This registration was fraudulent and undisclosed. Legally, it converted you from your natural birthright status as an American to a “US Citizen”, or “citizen of the United States”.
You may say to yourself… so what?
This “unlawful conversion” changed everything about your status and standing in the law. Instead of being a living being on the Land, you were converted to a “person” lost in the jurisdiction of the Sea.

The Georgia Assembly is accomplishing real change.

We are forming our courts called Jural Assemblies and we are developing a Peace Keeping Force which reboots the Land Jurisdiction County Sheriffs.
We are teaching people how to respond to the predatory practices of foreign courts, the IRS, and all other agencies that are abusing their power to entrap people through false contracting.
We are restoring our Lawful government and we are asking for your participation!  Our effort is not about politics, it is about criminality and lack of accountability.
Have you ever wondered why what we call—the Law of the Land—is so elusive, and, in fact, mostly disregarded by the people who are supposed to be protecting us — “the government, police and the courts?”
The only reason for the government to exist is to protect us and our property.  That’s it.
As an American and a Georgian, you deserve protections, explanations, and remedies that have been undisclosed for generations. Fortunately, many historians and researchers have spent countless hours researching the intended governmental structure set up by our Founders, and the actual history of this country from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present.


The American State Nationals are owed

The Law of Peace.

“We and our ancestors have been at peace for various lengths of time. Some of us have been at peace since 1783, some since 1814, some since 1865 — but all of us are officially at peace and have been at peace for a long time.
We are officially owed The Law of Peace by the U.S. Military as is admitted by their own Regulations: AR27- 161-1.
As Employers of the U.S. Military, we are immune from attack or reproach.”
Excerpted from “Why This Is Different” Article by Anna Von Reitz from

State-Issued Credential Card

As a State National, you are entitled to  State National Credential Card for identification and verification purposes that you have indeed “come home” to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, and can no longer be “mistakenly misidentified” as anything other than a Living American Man or Woman.
Our Credential Card


Protection of Private Property

As a State National, you can now truly own your land outright, rather than being legally considered a Tenant on the land under Title (ie. belonging to the British Crown)
You now research the chain of custody in Titles and Grants for your property and find the original Land Grant dating back to the time of the end of the War of Independence, and then file the Land Patent to secure your Property Rights as a Free Man or Woman of the Land and Soil.
Info on Claiming Land Patent

Taxation Liability Changes

As an American State National, unless you work for the Federal Government or are a Dependent, and you do not receive income from federal sources, you do not owe Federal Income Tax.
You can also submit a W4V to your employer to exempt you (and them) from paying federal income tax to the IRS.
Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes


Civil and Criminal Justice System

American men and women are entitled to a fair hearing by a jury of their peers. American Common Law Courts are under the purview of the Land Jurisdiction and the Public Law.  These courts and their officers are populated by the people of the General Assembly who then participate in the Jural Assembly.
We, as State Nationals, volunteer to be jurors to provide the people of our community with this right.  When people decide to step up and serve their communities, and take the steps needed to qualify, and then declare themselves as State citizens, they automatically populate the Jural Assembly Jury pool.
Jural Assembly Handbook

Freedom of Travel – Domestic & International

As an American State National, you are entitled to unencumbered international travel.  After you complete your status correction, update your Passport to reflect your standing as an American to claim the guarantee of your rights and privileges of safe, protected passage.
Update Passport

The Georgia Assembly Linktree

The Georgia Assembly Website

The Georgia Assembly Store