The Georgia Assembly

The Assemblies are unincorporated business organizations engaged in essential “original” 1787 Constitutional related matters. The primary job of the Assembly is to get fully populated, organized and prepared for peaceable action. We are restoring Common Law courts so that foreign Admiralty Courts have no cause to address American Nationals or American Citizens.

By declaring your birthright political status, recording it, and joining your State Assembly, you are setting yourself apart from your “government services” employees and their duties. You are accepting your Public Duty, which is to uphold the Constitutions and Public Law. Participation in Assemblies is founded on being polite and productive members of the community.

When new people join Assemblies, they don’t know what to think or expect. Some may be scared or angry, and think that they are doing something controversial or dangerous. Rest assured, that what the Assemblies are doing is perfectly lawful, legitimate and peaceful.

The primary role of the Assembly is to get organized as a government for our State of the Union. It is not a ‘Battered Americans Support Group’. Assemblies aim to teach people about self-governance, which requires developing skills many people do not have and have never thought about. Nationality is a birthright. Assembly membership is a choice.

Joining The Assembly is Not…

  • A get ‘out-of-jail-free-card’ for resolving pre-existing legal issues
  • A private club, it is a public body
  • A place for venting and unloading your personal problems
  • For “Angry Bulls” who just want to roar and fight
  • For Gossip, slander, complainers and time-wasters

The Assembly’s main objective is to cooperatively and amicably focus on the state and county business at hand.