The Georgia Assembly

An American State National is anyone born on one of the 50 states of the Union which were created as individual, sovereign nation-states and have made a public declaration of your proper birthright status. Nonetheless, anyone born on one of the states of the Union is by birth a state national whether they publicly declare so or not. An American State National becomes an American State Citizen when he/ she accepts a public office to serve in one of the 50 American State Assemblies.

Yes, when the two terms are being used interchangeably to mean the same thing as defined above. You can find in the Government Printing Office Manual Section 5.23, page 109, entitled ““Nationalities, etc.,” the list of demonyms for natives of the States of the Union

No. American State Nationals are those born on one of the 50 states of the Union or naturalized thereon who forego incorporated US/U.S. citizenship. Anyone born in the United States AND subject to its jurisdiction is a US/U.S. Citizen. All US/U.S. Citizens are US/U.S. Nationals but not all US/U.S. Nationals are US/U.S. Citizens. People who were born in either of the two US/U.S. outlying possessions of American Samoa or Swains Island are US/U.S. nationals only.

No. The term “sovereign citizen” is used as a negative stereotype by law enforcement officers and government officials.  Police officers, judges and other government officials were trained to use this term, “sovereign citizen,” to ridicule Americans who started declaring that they are free men and women, not subjects to the British Crown or the Pope any longer. That is what a “U.S./US citizen” really is, a subject of the corporation called the “United States” which is owned by the British Crown and the Pope of the Holy Roman Empire. The stereotype implies that we are ill-informed, pugnacious, disrespectful, potentially violent and downright dangerous extremists.

In fact, the term “sovereign citizen” is an oxymoron.  Being sovereign means that you uphold God’s law but don’t stand under any government authority. While being a citizen means that you owe allegiance and service to a government.  You can’t be both sovereign and a citizen!

So given that understanding, an American State National can choose to stay sovereign when you declare your political status or you can choose to be an American State Citizen by serving in an elected capacity in the governmental body of The Ohio Assembly or in the American State Assembly on the State where you live.

We have been taught to think that we are U.S./US Citizens, but the legal definition of the term, “United States,” is actually just the 10 square miles of Washington, D.C.   It also refers to a foreign, for-profit corporation who is providing governmental services to the American people. The geographical locations that it can be used to refer to is the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Republic of Palau which are all individually considered “States,” hence the “United States.” To add to the confusion of this term, its most general use in everyday language refers to the continental 49 states and Hawaii.

Now, the word “citizen” always implies an obligation of service. Therefore, U.S./US Citizens owe their service to the governmental services corporation in Washington D.C. which is owned by the British Crown and the Pope. “U.S. Citizens” include federal government employees, municipal government offices, residents of the District of Columbia or its Territories or “States,” dependents on government welfare and naturalized citizens.  If you are not in one of those categories, you are not a U.S. Citizen.

So to answer this question, “Are you a U.S. Citizen?” would depend on who is asking and for what purpose.  Most government forms that ask this question, like on a passport application, are asking you are you one of their U.S./US Citizens. Americans who have declared their political status as an American would answer “No.” However, in everyday conversation, that same American may answer, “Yes” and both answers would be correct. 

Yes. The birth certificate is used to get a passport because if proves 2 things. It proves you are a living man or woman born on a State in the continental United States (indicated by the day and time of birth listed on it) and it proves that the United States corporation created a Cestie Que Vie trust or Public Transmitting Utility corporation in your name (indicated by the registration date listed on it). This created trust or corporation named after you is the United States citizen. On the passport application, you can distinguish that fact by checking “No” to the question “U.S. Citizen?” everywhere located on the application. You can get a passport this way and it is highly recommended that you do so.  Apply for a new passport even if you already have a current passport. Your new passport will give you a level of diplomatic immunity. The Georgia Assembly will educate you on how.

No. The US/U.S. government is our government service provider not our American government. State Assemblies are reconstructing our true American government. It is the republican form of government that each state had established before the Civil War and it needed to be reconstructed after the Civil War but wasn’t. A republican form of government is what our Constitutions (all 3 of them) guaranteed to secure for us. State Assemblies are restoring the true American government of the people, by the people and for the people.  We will still need some governmental services, but we want those services to be limited to the original Constitutional contract between us Americans and United States government service corporations who are indeed acting in good faith free of fraud.

Americans born within the borders of one of the 50 states of the Union acquire their nationality at birth. So, if you can answer “No” to every one of these questions, yes you can.

  • Do you live on the 10 square miles of Washington, DC?
  • Do you live on American Samoa, Guam or the Virgin Islands?
  • Do you work for the Federal government?
  • Are you in a federal, state or local political office?
  • Have you been granted political asylum?
  • Are you a welfare recipient?
  • Are you classified as a franchise/dependent of the government ​or ward of the State of Ohio?

If you answered “Yes” to any one of these questions, you may be able to qualify for dual citizenship. The Ohio State Assembly Coordinator will educate you on how.

Yes. We have been researching hard on this topic and found evidence that all “Negro, Mulatto, and Colored People” actually were set free after the Civil War and for a brief time enjoyed the same rights and political status as everyone else before being entrapped by the “conferred U.S. Citizenship” scheme that was eventually expanded and mechanized to enslave practically everyone as Public instead of private property.

That is, we all started out as free men and women in 1865, and Colored People were simply the first victims of this outrageous fraud scheme seeking to redefine us all as “U.S. Citizens”.

First, the intermarriage of European and Indigenous peoples began almost upon the first contact, so that treaty by blood was established especially with French Armorican traders centuries before The War of Independence, and that process of intermarriage has continued both with Europeans and among the various diverse native populations, so that today there are very few individuals, if any, who can pass a DNA test and claim to be of any one tribe or lineage. We are all indigenous with respect to the land of our birth, from which we were all formed, regardless of such things as racial make-up or cultural differences.

Every single Indian and Black American tested turns out to be from somewhere else in the world—– mainly Egypt and Asia and Africa—- but somewhere else. Not here. Not “indigenous”. You can go all the way around the world, anywhere you choose, and the story is the same. Our ancestors moved around all over the place and nobody is truly “indigenous”. Even the true and isolated Aborigines in Australia have plenty of crossbreeding from all over the world. And since the Doctrine of Discovery is universally recognized to be a pile of rubbish and an irrational lie from the get-go, it really doesn’t matter if your ancestors “discovered” North America 10,000 years ago or yesterday. The same is true in Africa, Europe, and Asia. We are all here together and nobody has any more sacred claim on anything than anyone else, so everyone can stop the mad dash to claim the whole world for themselves and just their racial-ethnic-religious group.

What a lot of people seem to be missing is that “states” and “nations” co-exist. The life of one does not mean the death of the other. The “Winnebago Nation” can and does co-exist with “Wisconsin”. This is because these are all political entities—- associations, tribes, families, political parties, even corporations—groups, if you will, organized and recognized and peaceably doing their thing.

On November 6, 2015, new rules were established for the playing field. Native Americans can come home to the land jurisdiction of the United States. They no longer have to live or function as “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States”. They can choose to live as free men and women and be part of the “free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States” — North Dakotans, Wisconsinites, Texans, and so on. Being forced to act as citizens of the United States has meant that all the Native people have been subjugated and forced to serve every whim of the federal government.

As for the rights and interests of the Native Peoples in this country, we are all “native” to it at this point, and we, our American Government, have never been at war with them and never caused them any harm. All such abuses have been carried out by the U.S. Territorial Government. The Trail of Tears? That was the U.S. Government. The blankets infected with Smallpox? That was the U.S. Government. The Reservations? That was the U.S. Government. The racial and cultural genocide? That was the U.S. Government. The same Queen’s Government that privately calls all Americans “mongrels” and which maintains a caste-like class system in their own countries brought the same prejudices to work with them. As an American Raj, they have decimated and ruthlessly subjugated and alienated the Native People of this continent for over 150 years, and they have done it — like so much else — in our names, but the shame of this does not accrue to us, but to our erring Subcontractors who now propose to cure the ills that they have created at our expense. We propose that they pay their own Butcher’s Bill and be recognized, belatedly, for what they have done here. We also propose that everyone concerned realize that our land mass is already under Treaty Agreement and that the Treaties recognizing the sovereignty of our States — which all people share and inhabit with equal rights — are paramount and necessary to the peace and prosperity of all of the victims of all this abuse.

Yes, “indigenous” or “native” peoples can declare your political status as an American State National and that does not change your heritage.

The Federation of States have saved the The Constitution for the united States of America. The rats sought to “vacate” the federal contract by entering the UNITED STATES, INC. into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 2013 without naming a successor to the contract. That left the “federal” side of the contract vacant and flapping in the wind. As of the sixth of November 2015, we concluded Treaty negotiations with the American Native Nations — the Athabasca and Lakota, which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments–to fulfill the federal side. We issued two sets of Sovereign Letters Patent, one to reaffirm the united States of America, and one to establish a new arrangement with the Native people to bring them out of their POW status and incarceration in the Jurisdiction of the Sea and put them back on the land as free, sovereign, and independent people. We then sealed this arrangement with a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty, spelling out the intent of our actions. As a result of our Declaration of Joint Sovereignty, ALL the Native Americans have regained their status as free sovereign people on the land, and as a further result, we have placed our international agency with these nations whose fate and future are allied most closely with our own.

These actions were sent by Registered Mail to the Pope, the Queen, the UN Security Council, the United Nations Secretary General and others. For the first time since the original Constitution was adopted, the federal side of the contract is now in the hands of Americans devoted to America— not British (Federal Reserve) or French (IMF) interlopers.

Our agreements and treaties with the Lakota Sioux and Athabascan Tribal Nations are not exclusive and do not preclude participation by other Native American Nations. We wish to make it clear that our goal is to create a unified and peace-oriented international government which services the needs of all Americans.

We honor all sovereign-level treaties among nations, however, we do not recognize so-called treaties entered into by and between incorporated entities and franchises as actual treaties. No incorporated entity has the power to enact agreements obligating the unincorporated United States of America or any member state thereof.

For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions. We are finally whole.

No. The federal United States is a corporation having its own officers, the President and Vice President, Congressmen, Judges, etc. Only its shareholders can vote in its elections. Its shareholders are United States Citizens. The District of Columbia is a foreign territory owned by the Pope. Every municipal corporation that provides government services for the incorporated States, Cities, Villages and Townships are all just franchisees of the federal United States corporation. All of the elections held since the Civil War have been elections for officers in private governmental services corporations, not truly public offices. No American President has been elected since then. Once you correct your status, you are no longer a shareholder in those corporations and cannot vote in their elections. 

We govern ourselves. Once our true republican government is fully reconstructed, we will vote in elections for American public officers for the first time since the Civil War!

Yes, loans are private contracts. You will want to read the terms of the loan very thoroughly. Since no real money is in circulation, no real money is ever loaned to anyone. It is just your own credit that is accessed by the banks to “lend” back out to you undisclosed to you.  In lieu of this fraud, we are working toward accessing our own credit so that in the future, loans and the practice of usury will be a thing of the past for State Nationals. Be aware that If you happen to “Land Patent” your property, you may not be able to get improvement loans or equity loans on the property as long as the land patent is in force.

Federal grants usually have a requirement to be a U.S. Citizen in them.  It is their way to trap you back into their control.  It is not recommended to accept any type of government payments or largess. 

Yes. We know that states according to the Constitution are only allowed to use gold and silver for payment of debts. However, this applies to the de jure republican states not the de facto US corporation and its state franchisees. The government service corporations as long as they are in operation may choose to use fiat currencies. The republican states are returning back to the use of lawful money of gold and silver and correcting how we do our banking. We will be able to exchange fiat currency for lawful money between commercial banks and trade banks to be able to pay for things.

But until then, currently, we don’t have another option.  We know that Federal Reserve Notes do not actually pay for anything, but we have to be able to operate in daily trade with others and the vehicle we have in common is the Federal Reserve Note.

You are free to keep using your accounts and credit cards. Currently, we are working on opening The Global Family Banking System to operate in all 50 states using lawful money. Once you have corrected your status, you will be able to move all your accounts over to the new banking system here. In the meantime, you can best protect your money using local, privately-insured credit unions. The State Assembly will educate you on how.

The IRS is a private for-profit business.  The IRS like all government contractors, operates through paperwork and uses fear to control people. They don’t just show up at your door overnight or freeze your accounts for a failure-to-file matter. They use a series of letters and notices to try to intimidate you and seek to instill fear in you. Every letter and notice can be properly rebutted. The IRS scam was figured out decades ago and it’s possible to navigate out safely. The horror stories we hear about are propagandized to reinforce the fear. Torture one, terrorize 10,000. Historically, there is a higher probability for the IRS to come after you if you have filed a 1040 than if you have not.

Most Americans do not have any “federal income” and should not be paying any income taxes.  If you work for the federal government, you must pay taxes as a condition of employment.  Taxes are also owed on the interstate distribution of tobacco, alcohol and firearms and from any federally derived sources such as capital gains.  Other than those specific situations, the money you earn is compensation for your labor and talent and you do not owe any taxes on it. If you are not a US Citizen, which most people are not and don’t know they are not, you can “elect” or volunteer to pay taxes and be treated as a “resident alien” of the United States according to their Internal Revenue Code. You volunteer as a “resident alien” by filling out your first 1040. There is also an adhesion contract embedded in the 1040 form.  When you file a 1040, you are declaring that you are a taxpayer and owe those taxes.  That declaration stands until you file your revocation of election to pay taxes. Additionally, state and local income taxes are mere franchise taxes owed by a 1040 federal taxpayer. Until you properly “unvolunteer” or never volunteer in the first place to pay income taxes, you are liable to pay them. If they come after you after having properly “unvolunteered”, which they might, you can mark any correspondence from the IRS, “Return to Sender.  Refused for cause without dishonor.  No Contract.”

No! Going back to try and recover what you’ve already paid puts you back in the maritime jurisdiction and puts you at risk, and it can also put your status at risk. This could also potentially leave you stateless. Once you are out of the maritime jurisdiction, you don’t want to go back. What’s past is water under the bridge. You’ve gained your freedom. Move forward. It is not wise or safe to try to collect previously paid taxes, mortgages or loans. 

For now, we recommend that you keep your driver’s license and license plates on your car to avoid the possibility of daily harassment.  Even though we know it is unlawful to require a license to use an automobile for travel, this is not a battle we want to fight on a daily basis.  Once we convene our land jurisdiction courts and have our American peace officers installed, we will be able to level the playing field and defend our right to travel freely.

Once you complete all your paperwork, the social security number belongs to you and you are free to use it without fear.

The important thing to ask is whether your social security income is earned or unearned.  If you worked for at least 40 quarters and paid into Social Security, you are fully vested and your payments are owed to you even if you change your status. You paid into the social security income program; therefore, you are entitled to receive your payments back. That cannot be taken away from you. If you are receiving benefits that are beyond what you worked for, you will not be eligible to receive those benefits if you correct your status.  You are considered a dependent, and thus, a US/U.S. Citizen.

Medicare is a paid benefit in the same way as Social Security. You paid into it and correcting your status does not affect your Medicare coverage.

You paid into these systems and programs while you were working and paying federal income taxes. Therefore, you were entitled to those benefits. Once you correct your political status, you cannot participate in these programs any longer and you will lose any unearned benefits.

There is no money to “pay” for any bill since the confiscation of our gold and the institution of fiat currency, ie. federal reserve notes, in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. The US government service contractor provided a remedy for this to the American to allow for all of our debts to be discharged dollar for dollar by our credit which was provided for use to them when our gold was confiscated. Thus, once your political status is corrected, you are eligible to use the Mutual Offset Exemption Exchange process to discharge, ie. “pay” monthly bills. For past due outstanding debt that must be paid in full to keep possession of your property, we have a debt relief process for that situation.  The Ohio State Assembly will educate you on how.

No matter where your retirement comes from, it’s yours because you paid into it. It is safe and you are entitled to it. Correcting your status does not nullify your retirement. Any retirement benefits are earned benefits and cannot be taken away from you as a result of correcting your political status.

You are entitled to all your employee benefits that you have already earned. Employee benefits you may be currently paying for out of your monthly earnings cannot be taken away because you have corrected your status.

You can still obtain healthcare coverage and you cannot be refused care because you corrected your status. Healthcare is a paid service.  You earn and/or pay for these benefits and they cannot be taken away from you because you have corrected your status.

Every Monday at 9 pm Eastern, a Federation webinar is held by the Federation’s Fiduciary, Anna Von Reitz. It’s open to the public. All are invited to attend and can join the mailing list.

Attend Anna’s Weekly Webinars

Learn more about The Federation of States historical progress here.

These are The Georgia Assembly’s Goals:

  • To reclaim our birthright status and restore our lawful government for all Georgians
  • Restore our common law courts so all Georgians receive true justice not administrative rule of law
  • Stop Chemtrails over Georgia and, in cooperation with the other States, restore our original, unaltered climate
  • Correct and preserve our history and realign our school curriculum to better educate our future generations
  • Properly manage and use the natural resources of Georgia Land for the benefit of Georgians
  • Preserve the natural beauty and wonders of Georgia
  • Free our farming communities from regulations and conditions of subsidies to produce healthy, non-genetically and non-chemically modified foods

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